Home again - Reisverslag uit Nederland, Nederland van Simone Ruijs - WaarBenJij.nu Home again - Reisverslag uit Nederland, Nederland van Simone Ruijs - WaarBenJij.nu

Home again

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Simone

18 Oktober 2014 | Nederland, Nederland

Today was our last day in England, tonight we would be back at our own house with our families. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't looking forward to this. Not because I didn't enjoy my stay in England but just because I kind of missed my familie and my own bed. Especially my own bed, I hate sleeping in beds were you can feel the springs of the bed.

I was supposed to wake up at 9:30 am, but for some reason I couldn't sleep anymore after 6 o'clock. So I just listened to some music while waiting the alarm to go off. When the alarm went off, I (finally) was able to leave my bed and take a shower. After this it was just 10 past 10, so I had more then enough time to brush my hair, put them into a braid and to make sure that I had everything. However, trying to fit everything in my bag was harder than I thought it would be. My laptop had to go into a laptop bag and the laptop bag had to go into my schoolbag in order to create one handbag. This was a big problem because it filled most of my schoolbag which meant that there wasn't much space left for other things... So I took a plastic bag for my presents and I decided that I would take it with me that way because at the airport I have to take my laptop out of my bag anyway so it can just pretend that the present have been in my bag the entire time and that I only have 2 bags with me.
We now only had 5 minutes left until 11 am, the time that you were supposed to be checked out. When we came to the balie, he told us that everything was alright and that we could leave our luggage there. This we did, because our bus to the airport left at 2:05 pm which meant that we had like 3 more hours to walk around in Harrogate which would be really irritating if we took our luggage with us.
When we arrived at the centre, we decided to first go to the bus station, this way we would have a ticket. But the guy from the station told us that you could only pay inside the bus and that you could only pay in cash. So we had to withdraw money. After this we went to this bookstore we saw. Here was a signing, which I have never seen in my life before so I just had to take a picture of it (see pictures). At this store Sanne bought a book which she had been looking for each time we entered a bookstore. I was not sure if I would buy one, eventually I didn't. However, when we arrived at another bookstore I bought the entire series of the book instead just one.
After this, we went back to the hotel to get our luggage because it was already 1 o'clock and we wanted to be sure that we would be on time. When we got our luggage back, I decided to put the just bought books in my suitcase which meant that I again had 3 bags instead of 4.
When we arrived at the bus station we had to wait for a while but when the bus finally came and we got inside. Inside the bus there was a tiger print everywhere, which was to be honest ugly ;). During the bus trip we saw the walls where Yorkshire is famous for, I tried to make a picture but they aren't really good (see pictures). We made 2 stops where each time only one got in. And 2 stops where the same people got out again. However, one guy was dropped somewhere where there was no bus station and there was nothing to do, not even a house. So I thought that that was really weird...
I knew that the bus station, where we needed to get out, was close to the airport but I didn't excpect it to be literally in front of the airport. This was really handy because this way we didn't have to walk far in order to get inside. When we came inside the airport, we first went to the toilet. When we were both back, we decided to go eat something. However when we looked at the map of the airport and looked where The Burger King is located, we couldn't find out how to walk. So we went to ask. Here they told us that we had to go to the end of the corridor. When we did this we came to the point where we had to go through a metal detector so Sanne thought we were in the wrong place. She said that I had to ask where we had to go, however I refused to do this since I already knew that we had to go through the duane in order to reach The Burger King. And when Sanne asked a guy who worked there, he said the same. So we went to the duane here I had to take my laptop out of my bag, so I could put my presents in my backpack creating only 2 handbags. When I reached the duane I was asked if I had any liquids with me. I told him about my present for my mother and he said I had to take it out of my bag. At first he said that I couldn't take it with me because it was more than the amount of liquids that you are allowed to take with you. However when I explained that two of the three things in it are soaps which aren't liquids he said that if I was lucky I would be allowed to take it with me. After I put my laptop, phone, belt, earphones and jacket in one of the bags, I went through the metal detector. It didn't go off so I was allowed to go get my stuff back. When I came at the end, I saw that my present went through as well and I was really happy that I could keep it.
After this we went to The Burger King were I got the wrong order. I asked for a small fries, small coke and a hamburger however I got a small fries, small coke and a small fanta. This was really weird but when I arrived back at the tabel where Sanne was waiting, we decided that she would go get a hamburger for me (she would order it with her food) and that she would get my coke. This way we would both have fries, a burger and something to drink.
After this we walked through the shops because we had like a hour to kill. There was a large amount of bottles with alcohol (see pictures) and a large amount of sunglasses (see pictures). After looking at all the shops, we went to sit down and I watched a movie. My movie was just on time finished for us to directly go to the right gate. Here we had to show our boarding pass. At first there was something wrong with mine but after the guy tried a couple of times, it did work. On the plane we sat behind two guys of which I thought were brothers because they looked exactly the same. And they sat behind a group of girls. (Later on this will become important).
When we were in the air, the flight attendants came with drinks and nachos. I don't like natchos so I safted mine for my parents. When I looked out of my window, I saw a beautiful sky (see pictures). The moment that we flew above the Netherlands, the pilot put the lights inside the plane out. This way we could look outside the plane and make pictures of the view (it was dark outside and the lights of the cities looked beautiful) (see pictures). The moment the lights went off, the girls in front of the brothers started to irritate everyone in the plane. They made pictures while usung their flash and because of it, the pictures of other people failed.
When we left the plain we had to go to the duane again and after this we went to go find our families. This wasn't that easy because they were waiting in front of another exit. But when we finally found them, we hugged them for a while. After this we quickly went to eat something and when finished eating, we drove home.
When I got home, I unpacked. After this I decided to watch some tv. Now it is pretty late so I'm gonna sleep.
Goodnight world!

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Nederland


Actief sinds 21 Sept. 2014
Verslag gelezen: 2588
Totaal aantal bezoekers 7406

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11 Oktober 2014 - 18 Oktober 2014

EIO in Harrogate

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